DocGen - template-based documents generator

It's a script in VBScript used to generate multiple Microsoft Word documents based on templates (.DOC) and Excel spreadsheet (.XLS) data to fill-in

Download: DocGen_20091028.rar


  1. Add/Edit document templates (.DOC) in Templates folder (put-in tags of any form, e.g. #SURNAME#)
  2. Add/Edit XLS data in Data folder - each XLS has two columns (a tuple) per row, of the form (TAG, VALUE)
  3. At the Data folder, drag-drop an XLS file onto MakeDocuments.vbs
  4. One document is generated for each template at the Output folder, filling-in the data (replacing the tags with respective values) from the spreadsheet file

Requirements: you must have Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel and WSH (Windows Scripting Host) installed. If you don't have WSH, you can download WSH from Microsoft

(C)opyright 2009 - Zoomicon / George Birbilis
Free to use / give due credit